Vos is dos?
5. New Associations
In hundreds of hours of Explorer communication to date, about one?third consists of those instances where, with the Explorer’s permission, their friendly entities take over their physical bodies and speak using the Explorer’s vocal cords. The other two-thirds are contacts made by the Explorer, who then converses with the nonphysical third party and reports the conversation. In both cases, the monitor in the control room (living physical domain!) becomes a part of such discussions. What we call the Explorer Material is a combination of fascinating, baffling, awe-inspiring, thought-provoking, sometimes boring data that is certainly much in conflict with many of the belief systems that we have within our culture and civilization. The most important possibility by far is the reality of the Explorer Material, their experiences, and especially these friendly entities who assist them. Second to this is the fact that the process is ongoing, expanding. To resolve that possibility one way or another will take some doing and some capacities far beyond the limits of our organization. In examining the Explorer sessions in consensus, certain elements repeat themselves: 1. Whatever they may be, such nonphysical third parties have the ability to radiate a warmth of friendliness that evokes complete trust— even with their lives—on the part of the Explorers. 2. Such beings are first of all totally solicitous as to the well-being of the Explorer and spend much time in attempting to advance the best mental and physical state of the human being with whom they are “associated.” 3. A being usually appears to the Explorer in the form of a hooded figure whose face is hidden in shadow and apparently invisible to the Explorer. Once the Explorer becomes completely familiar with the “feel” of the entity, the hooded robe is discarded and the Explorer can perceive nothing, but still senses the radiation that is the entity. 4. In speaking to the Explorer, the being is limited in vocabulary to that in the memory bank of said Explorer. Therefore it often shows hesitation in searching for the correct word to express what needs to be described—and often there is no such word in the memory of the individual. 5. During visits by certain of these beings, especially when they use the physical body to speak through, there is a change in body voltage and other biomonitoring data in the Explorer. Without further comment, here are excerpts from various sessions. SS/TC (PHYSICIST) 22:30 MIN #372 “I’ve gotten all kinds of things, and I’ve been trying to sort them and put them into some kind of rational order. First of all, I had the impression that physical matter reality—inasmuch of I guess what is normally called reality, not only physical matter, but also a certain amount of our daydreaming and our imaginative intuitive qualities—is part of a, sort of like a large daydream or thought from a higher consciousness. Just as we can daydream and invent characters and situations, we are characters in a situation that was invented or dreamt, quite consciously dreamt by a more advanced sort of consciousness. The part that we have to play in this daydream is one of education, one of learning and bettering ourselves, striving to become more. Now, I’m not clear why this kind of over-consciousness or over-soul is having this daydream, but I have the feeling that it is for its own education. It learns as we learn. Anyway, we have such limited consciousness to begin because if you are going to set up a situation where you expect certain processes to happen—these processes, of course, are our education, our learning—you don’t set up the most complex and involved experiment or situation. You set up a simple one that you can produce, that still has the qualities to get the results that you want. This is the reason that we are seemingly of such limited consciousness. But the reason that we have an option to develop our consciousness more fully is part of the experiment itself. We are to learn and grow and evolve and become and learn through experience in doing, and as closely as we can come to understanding and being a part of, our understanding a part of our creator, our over?soul daydreamer, if you like, then sort of the more power to us. The more of that we can understand, then the more learning that we’ve acquired. So it’s not really—well, I take that back. It’s not so much that we are driven to expand our awareness or that we should be, other than it’s available, and being available makes it a direction in which we can evolve if we so choose. That’s a little jumbled to myself, but that’s the way it’s coming out.” SS/SHE (SOCIAL WORKER) 18 MIN #366 “I’ve been on a, almost like a vortex I was caught in. Twenty-two is not physical in any way. Twenty-one can be either physical or nonphysical, depending on where you choose to focus the energy. “It’s neither up nor down nor forward or backward. Twenty-one, all appear very comfortable, but very different. The sense I have like a rainbow going before me of colors, and they are like the colors that Miranon has described, but they are all going at different beats and moving. It is like I see a spectrum of 22 through, I don’t know, through 28, something like that and they are all interwoven. I think I could draw it for you. I like 21, so I have just kind of stayed here and the sense that I have, it’s like, when you asked that, I got the illusion of looking at a sunset and having it sense that the horizon is the end, but that it’s only an illusion because as you go forward in the levels, new levels arise.” (TIME LAPSE: 1:22) Other Voice: “I apologize for being so late, but I need to thank you and to tell you that I am glad you received my message. If you would like to explore these levels, I would be very happy to do so with you.” Monitor: “I would appreciate it very much.” Other Voice: “As I have said to you earlier, plants exist on levels one through seven. They are on a vibrational rate on the levels one through seven. It is the same pattern. Animals exist on the levels eight through fourteen, and when a person attains, when a consciousness attains level fourteen, it can no longer go any higher unless it is willing to change its form of consciousness. Levels fifteen through twenty-one are what you call human life on this earth. When a person progresses to level twenty-one, he then has the choice of going higher or staying within the realm of human form, but he cannot go higher unless he is willing to give up human form.” Monitor: “Give up being human?” Other Voice: “Levels twenty-two through twenty-eight are your bridge. They are your levels that you enter upon death. You are on level twenty and because that is an ascending level, you can enter into the realm beyond physical life, but you cannot stay there unless you are willing to give up your human form. Is that clear?” Monitor: “That much is clear, yes.” Other Voice: “And then once a person or a consciousness—we are talking about consciousness—reaches level twenty-eight, the bridge is crossed, and from that point on for a consciousness to evolve higher, it would not again assume human form of any kind, not even as a learning experience. I will never incarnate again as a human—as another form of life, yes, but not as a human. The words are very hard because your plane of existence is not the same. Perhaps I can explain it by asking you to image seven of the circles, which would give you the forty-nine levels. The first three levels are physical matter as you know physical matter. They are your plants, your animals, your humans. The fourth circle is your bridge, your realm, your center for that overall plane. It is the time in which a consciousness can choose whether to go back into the lower levels or to transcend into the higher levels, and many consciousnesses do choose to go back into the lower levels in physical form. The upper three circles are the realm that in your consciousness is called the spiritual realm, and here much of the work is done. I could not help someone who was not on the eighteenth level very much because my plane, my vibrational rate would be different. This is why it is hard for me to help you with specific problems. I can give you ideas, but I cannot give you the direct guidance I could if you were on level eighteen. Our planes do touch since yours is an ascending spiral—an ascending, what is your word for that? It is an ellipse. It is an ascending ellipse, and therefore I can cross and communicate with you, but not as directly. Once I reach level forty-nine, which I will, I then leave all of this realm of existence. It does not mean I have reached the highest point by any means. It simply means I have left this group of seven, this overall group of seven. Imagine, if you will, the seven circles enclosed in an even larger circle upon which seven more circles are stacked, which is in turn enclosed in even a great circle. Then you can have some idea of what infinity is. It does not ever stop.” Monitor: “Well, I must confess that ‘it’ is kind of hard on my tiny, poor physical matter consciousness.” Other Voice: “That is true. I must—it is very hard on my consciousness also. I feel at times, because I am very near to completing this circle, that I have accomplished a major evolvement for my consciousness, but then when I try to explain it, I realize just how far I have yet to go and how little I have actually gone through. Because my level of consciousness is one of love, I leave you with love. Good day.” SS/SCA (EXECUTIVE) 34 MIN #402 Monitor: “Ask him to describe this interactive unit that is you now and your physical body. What is this relationship between this energy form and your physical body?” “Part of my energy that I have when I’m out of body is used to build my body. When I use this energy to build my body here on earth, it blocks … or curves my thinking processes so it doesn’t go out of body. The thinking process needs to be curved to communicate with the other personalities here on earth again. This is one type of communication when I’m out of body. I take most of that energy that is used for my body with me but enough to keep the body informed is left here. It permits me to open up my mind and allows me to communicate with other personalities, other brains so to speak, to communicate with, to learn from, to talk to.” Monitor: “At what point do you first enter to become a part of this physical body?” “Apparently when, although fertilization is a mechanical thing, a chemical thing … the personalities out of body are very much aware of when things happen and choose at that time to develop the fetus or not to develop. So part of my energy at this moment may be used to develop a personality and I may have several personalities going on at the same time, being developed at the same time.” Monitor: “At the same time in the physical kind of reality?” “Yes, yes. They tell me right now, one is old, one is crippled, one is male, and where they are I am not ready to know.… and I could feel being old and crippled but I could not feel being male.” Monitor: “Is this entering of the physical body limited just to the planet Earth or other planets?” “We go to other places. There are beings on other places and our energy is aware of all these other places.” Monitor: “Do we inhabit physical bodies in these other places?” “Not like human Earth bodies … but … other forms of things or beings.” Monitor: “What are some of the other forms on planets? What are these other forms?” “One’s like a gelatin kind of thing … slimy kinds of things.” Monitor: “Are these located anywhere near the planet Earth?” “Thousands of light-years away.” Monitor: “In this energy, is there a set of rules in which one operates?” “I’m not sure what you are asking.” Monitor: “Is there a set of rules in which the body operates?” “No, the energy itself decides if the energy itself makes a wrong decision, then it destroys itself. If it makes correct decisions it builds or strengthens its personality. It is possible for the energy to destroy itself.” Monitor: “What is classified then as misuse?” “When it has not added to its present knowledge, when it has not gained anything more than it had learned previously. It is more than just a question of good or bad or good or evil. For example, killing by itself would not mean that it was destroying the energy by killing the animal or another human being. Not just adding to the knowledge, but enhancing the personality, the deed actually enhances previous knowledge or understanding that is used as addition … strength. If the killing was for the sake of killing, if nothing was learned, nothing gained, then it could destroy the overall personality. But there also seems to be a hierarchy of understanding and as the energy is strengthened it moves up a hierarchy of knowing.” Monitor: “Then where does this hierarchy of knowing lead to?” “It’s very important to become a move toward a unified whole like there is one on the top.… As the personalities move and merge the more knowledgeable … the level of understanding increases as they move up. It doesn’t make sense verbally but visually it makes a lot of sense.” Monitor: “All right, then I think you have given us a lot of material to think about, so thank your guide and ask if there is a name that he goes by.” “He doesn’t want to give a name right now because he doesn’t want it to interfere with the training that we are doing … be too concrete, I need to be more and more aware and he can do his work better right now without me giving him a name.” Monitor: “Ask him if there is any other training exercise that he would like you to perform before we close this session.” “No, he thinks I’ve gone … further than he really anticipated.” SS/MSL (PSYCHOLOGIST) 8:22 MIN #375 Monitor: “Ask your friend how we got here in the first place. How we got on the planet Earth and in space-time.” “I felt like I was being taken back in time and could feel a bombardment of particles … of matter … and actually seeing the bombardment of particles. Some particles that fuse together actually became a working mechanism. I guess the only thing that we can understand and relate it to would be like a computer. And as a fusion of these particles occurred, they actually started communicating with one another by the heat of the light or the energy that they were radiating. And once they knew they were communicating with one another, and that is trying to communicate on the same level. And there were lots of these things. And they wanted to find out what they could do with this communication—how far they could go, could expand, could see, could think. They developed Earth and actually built Earth. They took a part of themselves, played around with animals, people, and they realized the number. How many they could produce just from one. Like one of these things could have thousands of people, parts of them, situated everywhere. The problem after a time, though, they created better minds, or thinking machines, and the event that the original should die or disintegrate. They are not long?lasting, in the sense of thousands and thousands of years, they are not forever kinds of things. Our spirits seemed to be an improved model of the original. The original has disintegrated.” Monitor: “Did the spirit originate in this process?” “The spirit was a result of that. The spirit resulted from the fusion of these particles. The particles were matter fused together. That was spirit also. It was and that spirit lived for thousands and thousands and thousands of years and it disintegrated and before it disintegrated it rebuilt something that was better and it knew that it was going to die. It was going to disintegrate and it created the spirit that I now communicate with. So in a sense, they both can be called spirits or super minds. But your spirit could be and is different from my spirit.” Monitor: “How many such spirits are there such as the one you are communicating with?” “Only a thousand.” Monitor: “Did they remain in the vicinity of Earth?” “They don’t know that term ‘vicinity.’ Vicinity to them is, as long as it is within millions of millions of miles of their reach it is in their vicinity. To us it means very close. Their minds can reach out over millions of light-years.” Monitor: “Are there communications with other spirits or other intelligent entities?” “They have created them. If they have created them, yes, there are.” Monitor: “Why do they give so much attention to man?” “They are creation. Like I said before, months ago, we are experiments. We are the tester to see how far this spirit can think, can fuse particles together. Can see what its potential is. They are still experimenting to see what their own potential is and we are one part of that experiment.” Monitor: “Are we an important or a minor part of this experiment?” “They are afraid that all the brains that they created could fathom it or could take it. It is like some of the brains that they have developed would short out.” Monitor: “Have they created all of the human brains that are on the planet Earth?” “Yes.” Monitor: “I see.” “They know everything that is going on. To clarify one thing, when humans have offspring, they don’t necessarily control the offspring but it is part of the experimentation to see what results from the mating. When two parts of a spirit or two different spirits actually mate, what happens?… they don’t know and that is part of the experimentation.” Monitor: “Can your spirit be in touch with my spirit?” “Yes. Anytime.” Monitor: “Ask your spirit to see if he can be in touch with my spirit and see if there is any special message that my spirit has for me.” “I am feeling uncomfortable about going to other spirits and he was laughing at me for doing this, for feeling uncomfortable. Even though I did it with my mother. I just better come on back.” Monitor: “Right. And then, thank your spirit.” “O.K.” SS/NVP (DECORATOR) 92:30 MIN #388 “Blessed are they who seek me. In seeking me, their long period of forgetfulness is coming to an end. They are awakening to who they truly are—a living part of me, manifesting life and radiating love. “You have forgotten to look for me, much less gaze upon my countenance, oh, ye of little faith. There are countless numbers who live in the expectancy of my coming. In truth, I never left. “Let him who has ears to hear, let him hear, now. “You seek me amidst your blindness. You look upon me without recognition. You touch my hand and know not whom you have touched. “You proclaim my name and my teachings as it suits you and the occasion. Awaken, behold the reality of my being that is among you. “I am the earthquake, wind, and fire. “I am the still small voice piercing the thunderous tumult. “I am the peace beyond all understanding. “I am the light that guides all men to the Father. “I am the love that overcometh all things. “I am the light that illumines the minds of men. I am the sustenance of men’s souls. “I am your life and you are my own. “I am the very breath you breathe. “We are one in the Father. “Do not despair, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, nor can you truly forsake me, for we are one. “Let the old way be gone. It must die and its ashes be blown to the four corners of the earth. The new is emerging but you must change your perspective. Do not look for me in the form of a man. The time is not yet. But look for me in the life that speaks to you in your everyday activities. You have looked amiss. “I have no limitations and am not bound by physical dimensions. “I defy logic and am beyond your conceptual imaginings. “I live and move and have my being in all there is. You have sought me amiss. “My countenance is seen within each face of my Father’s creation. Look upon your brother and see my face. “Bend over a still pool. Do not be deceived. The image that you see reflected is my own. “Do you not see the truth now? “Learn of me. Take within your hand a leaf, a stone, a drop of water, and know that nothing exists that does not contain me. “Have you not known that I am eternal life and therefore recognize neither the past nor the future? Only the now, that is. Live in the now, with me. “I stand in the light, as you stand in the light. But you do not know of your light. I am here to show you that your light and my light are one and the same. Once you recognize this divine light to be a part of all that is, will you then begin to understand your own relationship to life, to your creator, and thereby to your own sonship eternal. “I neither slumber nor sleep and you must learn that your soul neither slumbers nor sleeps. Once you realize this, you are aware of your spiritual vitality and wakefulness to your high consciousness. In so knowing you will understand that I am truly closer than your hands and your feet. In this knowing, in this knowledge, we are one. “Live in truth. Be truth. Live in beauty. Become an artist in living. “Live in me and let me express you. “I reside in all space and no space, all time and no time. “Once you turn and become a part of my reality, all power is restored unto you. This is the power that makes you one with all things. This is the power that will set you free. “My children, abide in me.” All of the Explorer Material has one characteristic in common. They pose more questions than they answer. As they say, we have a problem here. We thought our “new” associations would provide answers. But for every answer, at least fifty new questions arise out of the Explorer Material. Therefore, it became time to stop counting the trees and look at the forest instead. And so we did.