
Loginizer is a WordPress security plugin which helps you fight against bruteforce attacks.

  • Brute force protection. IPs trying to brute force your website will be blocked for 15 minutes after 3 failed login attempts. After multiple lockouts the IP is blocked for 24 hours. This is the default configuration and can be changed from Loginizer -> Brute force page in WordPress admin panel.
Hello! This email alert is sent from your WordPress site, My online
books database @ rebbe.danskyrka.eu. There, you are using a plugin
called Blackhole for Bad Bots. This email alert tells you that the
plugin is working great, doing its job blocking bad bots. Below you
will find details about the bad bot that was denied access. To disable
these email alerts at any time, visit the plugin settings. 2022/12/28 @ 06:53:09 pm Request URI: /?blackhole=1ffab74a17 IP Address: Host Name: crawl1-035.oi.tb.007ac9.net User Agent: Mozilla/5.0
(compatible; SeekportBot; +https://bot.seekport.com)