Hade premiär 4 aug. 2023 WÜRZBURG
56 987 visningar • Hade premiär 4 aug. 2023 • WÜRZBURGManuela Maetze experienced a ”near-life experience” while preparing for an operation, during wich she received important messages.
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:01:25 No signs for an emergency operation
- 00:06:11 I was at a zero point before the operation
- 00:07:00 The first part of my near-death experience
- 00:08:37 Supreme Beingness
- 00:14:16 I experienced myself at I
- 00:17:14 I was in a black box
- 00:21:39 I got banal information that weren’t really banal
- 00:27:17 You can’t put such an experience into words
- 00:28:54 Diagnosed with cancer in 2016
- 00:30:56 I sold my Elizabeth George books as I was told in the NDE
- 00:32:29 The experienced freedom in my daily life